Macrophytes coverage
- A total number of 28 aquatic macrophytes were identified in the Beledanga wetland.
- Eight floating macrophytes were identified belonging to family Azollaceae, Araceae, salviniaceae and Pontederiaceae.
- Nine marginal rooted macrophytes belonging to family Amaranthaceae, Cyperaceae, Acanthaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Typhaceae, Onagraceae, Araceae, Convolvulaceae were recorded.
- Six emergent rooted macrophytes belonging to family Menyanthaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Hydrocharitaceae and Alismataceae were recorded.
- Five submerged macrophyes were recorded belonging to family Ceratophyllaceae, Hydrocharitaceae and Potamogetonaceae.
- Macrophyte clearance was done manually in the wetland through community participation with a focus on Eichhornia crassipes management.
Floating macrophytes recorded from Beledanga wetland (A. Azolla pinnata B. Azolla filliculoides C. Spirodelapolyrrhiza D. Spirodela punctata E. Pistia stratiotes F. Lemna minor G. Salvinia natans H. Eichhornia crassipes)
Marginal rooted macrophytes recorded from Beledanga wetland (A. Aternanthera philoxeroides B. Cyperus imbricatus C. Hygrophila auriculata D. Centella asiatica E. Enhydra fluctuans F. Typha latifolia G. Ludwigia palustris H. Ipomoea aquatica
Emergent rooted macrophytes recorded from Beledanga wetland (A. Nyphoides indica B. Nyphea rubra C. Marsilea quardifolia D. Sagittaria latifolia E. Nymphea alba)
Submerged macrophytes recorded from Beledanga wetland (A. Ceratophyllum demersum B. Najas indica C. Potamogeton crispus D. Vallisneria spiralis E. Hydrilla verticillate)