- In the Beledanga wetland 17 species of macroinvertebrates were recorded.
- The abundance of the macrobenthic organisms indicated that the highest abundance was observed during post-monsoons followed by pre-monsoon.
- 12 gastropod species, 2 species belonging to class Bivalvia, 2 species of annelid and Chironomid larvae were observed in the wetland.
- The dominance pattern of the molluscan was in the order of Gabbia orcula > Tarebia granifera > Gyraulus convexiusculus > Indoplanor bisexustus > Filopaludina bengalensis > Melanoides tuberculate > Lymnaea luteola > Lymnaea acuminata > Mekongia crassa > Idiopoma dissimilis > Physella acuta > Lamellidens marginalis > Parreysia corrugate > Pila globosa.
- The seasonal variation of the gastropod indicated that G. orcula and T. granifera during post-monsoon of 2021 showed the maximum abundance.
- The presence of Chironomid sp (Arthropod) > Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaeta) > Nereis sp. (Polychaeta) was also noted during the study period.
- The abundance of Chironomid sp. was significantly high in the post-monsoon seasons. The abundance of L. marginalis and P. corrugata surged during the post-monsoons.

Recorded benthos species in Beledanga wetland (A. Filopaludina bengalensis, B. Mekongia crassa, C. Idiopoma dissimilis, D. Pila globose, E. Gabbia orcula, F. Tarebia granifera, G. Melanoides tuberculata, H. Indoplanor bisexustus, I. Gyraulus convexiusculus, J. Physella acuta, K. Lymnaea acuminata, L. Lymnaea luteola, M. Lamellidens marginalis, N. Parreysia corrugata, O. Tubifex tubifex, P. Nereis sp., Q. Chironomid sp.)