Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Programmes
Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) is a communication strategy to improve the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of the target group. It is not just a n awareness or sensitization program. It is actually a systematic approach to build communication strategy that help to enable an individual or community to address change in greater environmental and structural levels. Social and behaviour change communication plays a crucial role to encourage positive behaviour which is fitting to a particular project social setting.
SBCC programme was implemented to maximize the production and productivity of the beel to ensure the livelihoods and nutritional security of the beel dependent community. An SBCC strategy offers a “road map” to make positive change in the behaviour of the target beneficiaries with in a social system, it also sometimes helps to make affirmative changes in social norms.

Social and Behaviour Change Communication
Table. SBCC approaches and activities undertaken to maximize the production and productivity of the beel
SBCC Approaches | Activities | Action Taken |
Interpersonal | Ice BreakingCounsellingSensitizationSupport group | One-to-one interactionBuilding rapportGroup education through focused group discussion |
Media | Mass mediaSmall print mediaTraditional MediaMobile technology | TV programmesPosters, PamphletsPlayMobile calls, SMS, Webinars |
Community mobilization | CampaignsAwareness programmes | Field dayAwareness camps |