- Overall, 48 genera belonging to 10 algal taxonomic classes in Beledanga wetland were recorded during the study period. The algal groups were Bacillariophyceae (BAC), Mediophyceae (MED), Coscinodiscophyceae (COS), Chlorophyceae (CHL), Trebouxiophyceae (TRE), Ulvophyceae (ULV), Cyanophyceae (CYA), Zygnematophyceae (ZYG), Dinophyceae (DIO) and Euglenophyceae (EUG).
- Maximum contribution in terms of density was by the group Bacillariophyceae (27%) followed by Cyanophyceae (16%) and Zygnematophyceae (14%). Species like Tabellaria sp., Meridion sp., Diatoma sp., Nitzschia sp., Gyrosigma sp, etc. were recorded under the group Bacillariophyceae and the group was found to be dominant during pre-monsoon (1.55×103units/l).
- Coscinodiscus sp., Aulacoseira sp., and Rhizosolenia sp. were recorded under the Coscinodiscophyceae, and the group was found to be maximum during pre-monsoon (3.31×102units/l).
- Under the group Ulvophyceae and Dinophyceae only one genus each was recorded i.e.Ulothrix sp. and Skeletonema sp. respectively.
- Chlorophyceae was represented by Oedogonium sp., Scenedesmus sp., Tetraspora sp., Volvox sp., Pandorinasp., Pediastrum sp. were recorded and found maximum during monsoon (5.82×102units/l).
- The group Zygnematophyceae was found to be dominant during Monsoon (8.39×102units/l) and under the group, Closterium sp., Staurastrum sp., Cosmarium sp., Spirogyrasp., etc genera were recorded.
- The group Euglenophyceae was represented by Euglena sp., Trachelomonas sp and Phacus sp. were found during the study period and the density of this group was found to highest during monsoon (3.92×102units/l).
- Under the group, Cyanophyceaemany filamentous algae like Gloeotrichia sp., Anabaena sp., Nostoc sp., Oscillatoria sp., Lyngbya sp., and some colonial algae like Merismopedia sp. were recorded and the abundance of the group was found maximum during monsoon (8.87×102units/l).
- The total abundance of phytoplankton was found maximum during monsoon and minimum (4.081×103units/l) during post-monsoon (3.316×103units/l).

Common phytoplankton observed in Beledanga wetland (A. Gyrosigma sp., B. Cyclotella sp, C. Navicula sp., D. Cosmarium sp., E. Merismopedia sp. F. Cymbella sp. G. Oscillatoria sp. H. Staurastrum sp. I. Ankistrodesmus sp. J. Pandorina sp. K. Anabaena sp. L. Ceratium sp. M. Synedra sp. N. Phacus sp. O. Pediastrum sp. P. Scenedesmus sp. Q. Microcystis sp.)