- A total of 13 genera of 27species belonging to 4 groups were recorded. The three groups were Rotifera(17species), Copepoda (2 genera) and Cladocera (4 species), and Protozoa (3 species).
- Rotifera (38%) contributed the highest followed by Cladocera (36%), and Copepoda (26%). The species observed under Rotifera were Lecane bulla, Asplanchna sp., Brachionus diversicornis, Brachionus calyciflurous, Brachionus bidentatus, Brachionus caudatus, Brachionus forficula, Brachionus fulcatus, Brachionus sp., Keratella cochlearis, Keratella vulga, Keratella sp., Polyarthra vulgaris, Filinia longiseta, Trichocerca cylindrica, Trichocerca similis, Pompholyx sp. were recorded. The density of rotifera was recorded at the highest during pre-monsoon (391 Ind/l) and low during monsoon (253Ind/l).
- Daphnia lumholtzi., Diaphanosoma sp., Moina sp., Bosmina longirostris were found under the group Cladocera. The abundance of this group was most abundant during monsoon and post-monsoon (164 Ind/l) and found minimum during pre-monsoon (141Ind/l).
- Cyclopoid copepod, Calanoid copepod and nauplli were observed under the group Copepoda. The density of group Copepoda was found maximum during pre-monsoon (91 Ind/l) and minimum during monsoon.
- Under the group Protozoa Arcella discoides, Vorticella sp. and Collotheca sp. were found.
- Rotifera was found abundant in terms of abundance varying in ranges from 60.83% to 62.76% of the total zooplankton. Among zooplankton, Keratella sp. alone contributed 16% followed by Brachionus sp. (14%) and Bosmina sp. (9%) to the total zooplankton.
- The density of zooplankton was maximum during pre-monsoon (995Ind l-1) and minimum during monsoon (153Ind/l).

Recorded zooplankton species in Beledanga wetland (A. Brachionus diversicornis, B. Brachionus calyciflurous, C. Brachionus bidentatus D. Brachionus caudatus E. Brachionus forficula, F.Brachionus fulcatus,G. Brachionus sp., H. Keratella cochlearis, I. Keratella sp., J. Keratella vulga, K. Filinia longiseta, L. Polyarthra vulgaris, M. Trichocerca cylindrica, N. Trichocerca similis, O. Cyclopoid Copepoda, P. Calanoid Copepoda,Q. Bosmina longirostris, R. Daphnia lumholtzi (M), S. Daphnia lumholtzi (F), T. Arcelladiscoides, U. Vorticella sp., V. Collotheca sp., W. Pompholyx sp.)